
Being a governor is incredibly rewarding. Make a difference to young people’s lives, whilst helping to shape the strategic direction of a Bosco school.


What is a Governor

What does a Governor Do?

How to Become a Governor

Become A Governor

What is a Governor?

Being a school governor is an honour. You will have the opportunity to give back to your local community, and make a difference to the young people in the school you serve. School governors do not need to be education experts and they can come from all walks of life.  They just need to listen, think and ask questions.

Anyone interested in becoming a governor is always given an opportunity to visit the school and meet the key people involved (including Chair of Governors). Governors are given plenty of support and induction into the role.

What Does A Governor Do?

Foundation Governors are appointed in the name of the Bishop and form the majority of the governing body of a Catholic School. They have a legal duty to preserve and develop the Catholic character of the school and to ensure that the school is conducted in accordance with its trust deed.

Some of the responsibilities of being a governor include monitoring the financial performance of the school, ensuring the school funds are well spent, assisting in holding the headteacher/school leaders to account and supporting the school with its strategic direction/ethos. Governors are normally required to attend a few meetings every year depending on the school’s situation. The average governor’s role will take up about 5 hours a month (meetings included).

The ministry of Foundation Governor is an important one, because the Catholic character of our schools depends on committed Catholics being willing to undertake this service. The Bishop is therefore very appreciative of all those who offer to assist him in this vital task.

The governing committee provides strategic leadership and accountability in schools. It has three key functions:

Governors set the aims and objectives for the school and set the policies and targets for achieving those aims and objectives. They monitor and evaluate the progress the school is making and act as a source of challenge and support to the headteacher. In action, this means:

How to Become a Governor

At present we have a number of vacancies for Foundation Governors across the Trust, but would welcome interest from anyone keen to learn more about volunteering in this important capacity.

Initially, we are looking for people to register their interest so that when vacancies arise on governing bodies or with the Trust Board we can contact you.

It is good practice for schools to take up references before confirming their decision to appoint you so do be prepared to provide these if requested. You will need to complete a declaration of interests to declare any conflicts of interest you will have including conflicts of loyalty and financial interests – this information must be published by the school on its website. You must undergo an enhanced DBS check, and your appointment will be subject to this – this will be carried out by the school. Once all this is in place, the full governing committee can then make a decision about your appointment.

If you are interested in a role or would like to find out more, then please do contact our Office Manager, Alice Mackay on 01444-221776 or amackay@boscocet.org.uk.

You can register by completing our Bosco Governor & Trustee Register of Interest form below

Become A Governor

Please do get in touch if you are interested, either by contacting Alice Mackay on 01444-221776 or amackay@boscocet.org.uk

Find Out More

If you’re interested in becoming a governor:

– View our Governor Recruitment flyer

– View our Governor letter and information